Imagine if you could apply all those philosophies they talk about in yoga classes to fitness. Those benefits that care for and can transform not only your body, but your mindset and life as well. If every time you practice, you do so consciously to cultivate something to keep with you off the mat and beyond your workout. That where you are now is right where you need to be on your personal journey. And that every need of your body and self is met with honesty and love.
In my book of fitness, the one essential, no matter the goal, no matter where you are, is mindfulness. The ability to feel into your body to know its strengths, weak points, and current state. To tune in to your posture and alignment. To observe your thoughts and feelings through it all, and respond consciously rather than react mindlessly. To link your breath, your constantly pumping life force, to every movement - inhale through the easier part, exhale through the harder. Expand, contract, repeat, go and flow and grow.
Mindful movement lets you catch that crick-cracky foot/ankle before it travels up to knee / hip. Or that bad knee / sore low back / pinch between the shoulders acting up again, feel into the stretch right where it’s needed (and/or even self-massage), and strengthen the supporting muscles around it. Or point out that you made two more push-ups in that last timed round than the one before it, maybe even that you’re ready to work on a more advanced version.
Of course there are physical benefits to this, but it’s the mental ones that really keep me coming back (and that funny enough reaps more physical results, which then also keep me coming back). A right-to-the-core with a little heat added check-in and check-up of how YOU are doing each day.
A little accomplishment when you need it and as a stepping stone. Some gentle nourishment when you need to pick yourself up. Some steam to blow off when there’s too much to contain. Some life to move through you when so much goes stagnant. Facing a challenge. Celebrating progress, and simply steadily showing up (and working that muscle too, rain or shine). Having your own back (which needs to be strong if you want to do the same for others). A safe space to play, explore, take it slow, push yourself, get freaky, any/all of the above or other. The freedom to drop in and go about as you need, want, and feel best with.
See when where and how you’re doing well, and go with that. See when where and how you’re struggling, and work with (or on) that.
We get the best insight of how we’re working when we get to work, and we can use that to take best care. Let your workout tell you how to proceed, not just vice versa.
The brain is the most powerful muscle of all, and the actual muscle behind all others. Take care of that first, and the rest follows.
Want to give it a go?
Here are some of my full-length workouts great for mindful movement:
Morning movement - fresh out of bed workout/mobility
Anyway slow burn - choose your intensity
Shake it out shake it off cardio
Help me share the love by leaving a comment to let me know how you like them, hitting the like button, and subscribing to my channel - and sign up for my mailing list below to receive an email linking to my Spotify channel with a playlist paired for each workout.
Take good care and enjoy the ride.